Restorative Practices: The Game Changer for Accountability

FREE WEBINAR | Restorative Practices: The Game Changer for Accountability

Presented By: Rufus Lott III

During this free, hour-long webinar, Rufus Lott III, founder of Lott Educational Consultants and former Assistant Principal of Edward H. White Middle School, provides an overview of restorative practices. 

About the Webinar

Research in districts across the country has shown that punitive, zero-tolerance policies for dealing with student misbehavior and violence are ineffective. Restorative practices offer a comprehensive alternative approach that promotes a more equitable and sustainable response. Belonging, connectedness and accountability to peers and school staff replace fear of punishment as motivators for good behavior. During this free, hour-long webinar, Rufus Lott III, founder of Lott Educational Consultants and former Assistant Principal of Edward H. White Middle School, provides an overview of restorative practices, including:
  • What restorative practices are and are not
  • An introduction to C.A.R.E., a three-phase model for implementing restorative practices
  • Strategies for addressing behavioral incidents and preventing future incidents based on acceptance of personal accountability
  • How to implement a differentiated framework for working with students to restore relationships, repair harm and prevent recurrences
Whether your school community has begun the transition to restorative practices or is new to the concept, this webinar will provide valuable insights and strategies to help transform your school culture. View the Webinar

About Rufus Lott III

Mr. Rufus Lott III is the founder of LOTT Educational Consultants and lead consultant specializing in the area of Restorative Practices in schools. Most recently Mr. Lott served the North East Independent School District in San Antonio, TX as the Assistant Principal of Edward H. White Middle School. Mr. Lott played an instrumental role in the development and implementation of restorative practices as an alternative method for managing student behavior. This innovative, whole school approach was the first of its kind in the state of Texas, and has been considered the blueprint that many campuses across the state of Texas are following. Mr. Lott has 10 years of experience in public education in elementary and middle school as a classroom practitioner and administrator. As a former administrator, Mr. Lott’s passion is rooted in social justice and working with educators to better serve diverse student populations. His focus is on teaching real-life, applicable strategies that are essential for educators to utilize when working with both students and teachers. Today, he teaches restorative practices to teachers and administrators as an alternative method to exclusion, and as a means to build positive relationships and strong communities through dialogue using the circle process.
Rufus Lott headshot

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