<!-- Lisa Dieker, PhD, a speaker and author on the topics of co-teaching and inclusion, is the Lockheed Martin eminent scholar at the University of Central Florida, where she coordinates the school’s PhD program in special education. -->
<!-- Maurice J. Elias, PhD, a speaker, author and blogger on the topic of social-emotional learning, is a professor in the department of psychology at Rutgers University, where he directs the clinical PhD program and the school’s Social-Emotional Learning Lab. -->
<!-- Kent Gerlach, EdD,, a speaker and author on the topic of paraeducators, is a professor in the School of Education and Kinesiology at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) and an educational consultant with Pacific Training Associates in Seattle. -->
<!-- Toby Karten, a career educator in the field of special education, is a consultant, speaker, and author of several best-selling books and guides on the topic of inclusion. -->
<!-- Paula Kluth, EdD, is a consultant, advocate, independent scholar and the co-author of twelve books and multiple laminated guides on the topics of inclusion and autism. -->
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