Restorative Practices
Presented By: Rufus Lott III
Rufus Lott III, nationally renowned expert in restorative practices and classroom management, will be presenting a series of one-day workshops throughout the state of Florida, focusing on a differentiated approach to student discipline by building and sustaining relationships in schools.
English Learners
Presented By: Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove
In this free webinar, national experts on collaborative practices for English learners, Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove, will identify a schoolwide framework for improving programs, policies, and practices for diverse learners.
Restorative Practices
Presented By: Rufus Lott III
During this free, hour-long webinar, Rufus Lott III, founder of Lott Educational Consultants and former Assistant Principal of Edward H. White Middle School, provides an overview of restorative practices.
Presented By: Dr. Marilyn Friend
A one-day professional development workshop presented by Dr. Marilyn Friend.
Presented By: Toby Karten
Learn ways to foster disABILITY awareness and inclusive mindsets.
Special Education
Presented By: Rebecca Hines
Targeted Audience: Superintendents, Deputy Superintendents, Regional Superintendents, District Curriculum & Instructional Staff, ESE Directors, Student Services Directors, District Learning Support Staff, School Administrators, Educators. We encourage districts to send both Special and General Education Staff to the meeting together.
Special Education
Presented By: Dr. David Bateman
Join David Bateman, author of CEC’s best-selling reference, A Principal’s Guide to Special Education for a session that includes in-depth discussions around special education law and regulations, eligibility processes and decisions, discipline and school-wide behavior programs, and accountability and data-informed decision making.
Presented By: Dr. Lisa Dieker
Molloy College, Long Island - Summer Institute Presentation
Professional Development
Presented By: Kent Gerlach
This workshop will examine the important role paraprofessionals play in our schools and on the educational team.
High Impact Instruction
Presented By: Jim Knight
Learn high-impact, research-based instructional strategies for instruction, content planning, formative assessment and community building.
Presented By: Marilyn Friend
Explore different models of co-teaching, the necessary elements for successful co-teaching partnerships, and the ways in which co-teaching can improve student outcomes. Learn about the interrelationship of co-teaching with specially designed instruction (SDI) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Presented By: Dr. Lisa Dieker & Dr. Becky Hines
Lisa Dieker, PhD, a speaker and author on the topics of co-teaching and inclusion, is the Lockheed Martin eminent scholar at the University of Central Florida, where she coordinates the school’s PhD program in special education. Rebecca A. Hines, PhD is an associate professor at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. With degrees and teaching experience in both general and special education, Hines has a unique focus on preparing educators to meet the needs of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. This event is part of the 3 day FCEC Teach In: Inclusion, Involvement, Innovation!
Presented By: Toby Karten
CSS speaker Toby Karten provides professional development to middle and high school teachers at a school district in northern New Jersey who will be embarking on a co-teaching model in the 2016-17 year. In addition to the actual full day of professional development, Karten will provide a minimum of a half day of direct consultation with the teams involved.
Test Anxiety
Presented By: Dr. Joseph Casbarro
Dr. Joseph Casbarro, is the author of some of NPR, Inc./Dude Publishing's best-selling products, including the book Test Anxiety & What You Can Do About It, and several laminated guides including Test Anxiety: Strategies To Improve Student Performance.
For inquiries, or booking requests, please call 1-800-453-7461, email, or fill out the form below.